March Madness and Mrs. Polifax

First, congratulations to the South Carolina women’s team, and a shout-out to Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese, Rickea Jackson, and all the fiercely competitive and highly talented women who played their hearts out during March Madness. The games were so much fun to watch!

Second, it’s less than two weeks now and I’ll be a married woman…again.  I’ve been thinking a lot about the first go round and how grateful I am that I found Tennessee. We were discussing how we never got into fights with our first significant others and how we thought that was a good thing, but experience has taught us that it was not good.

I know it may sound weird to say but I am so grateful Tennessee fights with me…not in the middle of the fight–that’s no fun…but later when we’ve made up.

My ex-husband never fought with me, always let me have my way and I lost all respect for him and had loads of resentment because I ended up making all the decisions on my own.

With my first long-term girlfriend, I was the one who didn’t want to fight because I was so afraid of losing her and not being good enough. I wasn’t truly me and I didn’t advocate for myself and I got relegated to the bottom of her priorities list. Thank goodness she recognized that it wasn’t healthy and let me go or I’d probably still be there and unhappy and would not have met the love of my life.

This go round I am still fearful of losing Tennessee and of not being good enough, but she knows me so well that she knows when I’m doing it and pokes at me until we clear the air. With all the insanity happening in our lives right now I am actually surprised we don’t fight more but we are getting pretty good at communicating before we reach full fight mode.

And I happier than I’ve ever been.

Finally, I did not have much time for sitting and reading books this week, so I listened to the Mrs. Polifax audiobooks written by Dorothy Gilman listed below while I was doing other things.

Books 25 – 28

The Amazing Mrs. Polifax

The Elusive Mrs. Polifax

A Palm for Mrs. Polifax

Mrs. Polifax on Safari

Barbara Rosenblatt is one of my favorite narrators and these have been a complete delight to listen to…like listening to an old friend.

Be well my friends.

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